EARTO Executive Board
EARTO Members' Networking Lunch
EARTO Members' Meeting
EARTO General Assembly Meeting
Speeches by:
- Fernando Saludes, President, REDIT
- Salvador Navarro, CEV President and CEOE Vice president
- Maria José Catalá, Valencia City Mayoress
- François Jacq, President, EARTO
Welcome by François Jacq, President, EARTO
Welcome by Fernando Saludes, President, REDIT
- María José Catalá, Valencia City Mayoress
- Marian Cano, Regional Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism
- Teresa Riesgo, General Secretary of Innovation, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Presentations of 4 Case studies:
- Presentation by Alexandre Pauchard, CEO, CSEM
- Presentation by João Claro, President, INESC TEC
- Presentation on Social ROI of REDIT Members by Gonzalo Belenguer, Director, REDIT
- Presentation by Camilla Stoltenberg, CEO, NORCE
Moderated by François Jacq, President, EARTO
-Next MFF/STEP by Davide Lombardo, DG BUDGET, European Commission
-Example of Aeronautics by Andrea Gentili, Deputy Head of Unit Aeronautics DG RTD, European Commission
- Anne Van den Bosch, Vice President Public R&D Policies & Programmess, IMEC
- Erik Drop, Director of Knowledge Programmes and Government Relations, TNO
- Cecile Barrere-Tricca, Executive Vice President, Innovation & Economic Development, IFPEN
- Joan Guash, Director International Development & RD&I Policies, EURECAT
Moderated by Mathias Rauch, Chief Representative for the EU, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- José Moisés Martín Carretero, General Director of CDTI
- Paula Llobet, Innovation Councillor of Valencia’s City Council - Antonio Garamendi, President, CEOE (TBC) - Laura Olcina, President, FEDIT
- Jesús Valero, CEO, Tecnalia
- Elisa Rivera, General Director of Plannning, Coordination & Knowledge Transfer, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Moderated by Muriel Attané, Secretary General, EARTO